Taking back the streets

Let's take back the streets for the people, let's watch the sunset while we are all seated in the middle of an avenue. Like i did.


Anonymous said...

nice photo!

Anonymous said...

excelente fotografĂ­a.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

That's a good way to get flattened in Santiago!

Anonymous said...

Great Images. Really like your work. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...


In my town, there used to be places downtown with cobblestone streets, where no cars were allowed to drive, but just recently they tore out the stones and cemented it and let the cars in. It broke my heart.

Yes, let's take back the streets for the people!

Beautiful picture.

ki said...

i like your attitude and wish i could sit next to you, claiming the streets for the people as we turn around and watch the sunrise as well.